by mfhmainadmin | Aug 31, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
‘Pinch, punch, first of the month’ or ‘white rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit’ – whatever saying you favour to mark a new month, we’re just happy it’s finally spring! That means we’ll start seeing some new produce hit...
by mfhmainadmin | Aug 18, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
Call us crazy but this week the whole Grow / Source / Eat team is brimming with excitement and enthusiasm. Could be iso-brain, could be that we can’t believe we get to work with passionate farmers and subscribers as well as beautiful produce every week! At this...
by mfhmainadmin | Aug 4, 2020 | Farmer Profiles, Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Urban Agriculture
MFH’s Grow / Source / Eat fruit and veg subscription scheme would not be possible without an array of passionate local VIC suppliers. We believe that it is important for our community to know more about where their food comes from, who grows it and the practices and...
by mfhmainadmin | Aug 3, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Recipes
When we first got started with Grow / Source / Eat, we had a million and one ideas about the sort of food system we’d like to build and why it is so important to make it happen. Things like paying farmers fair prices, encouraging small producers to grow food in...
by mfhmainadmin | Jul 21, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
Celeriac – the wonderful root famed for looking like Gordon Ramsey on a bad day and being awkward to pronounce. This winter treasure isn’t what most people would call a staple (prefers to hang around for a good time, not a long time) but man were we...
by mfhmainadmin | Jul 8, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
It’s winter in Melbourne and like it or not, we’re all trapped inside again. While we’ve seen and sometimes felt the burden this brings, it also gives us the opportunity to slow down a little, spend time with our family or housemates (if we...
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