by mfhmainadmin | Jul 21, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
Celeriac – the wonderful root famed for looking like Gordon Ramsey on a bad day and being awkward to pronounce. This winter treasure isn’t what most people would call a staple (prefers to hang around for a good time, not a long time) but man were we...
by mfhmainadmin | Jul 8, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
It’s winter in Melbourne and like it or not, we’re all trapped inside again. While we’ve seen and sometimes felt the burden this brings, it also gives us the opportunity to slow down a little, spend time with our family or housemates (if we...
by mfhmainadmin | Jun 2, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
This week’s Grow / Source / Eat parcels feature an interesting mix of lesser used greens – chicory, endive and fennel. While not the most unusual varieties, it’s easy to use these greens in just one way (i.e. fennel & orange salad) and not branch...
by mfhmainadmin | May 28, 2020 | Farmer Profiles, Grow Source Eat, Local Food
Last week, MFH’s Comms. Coordinator and Grow / Source / Eat subscriber caught up with Dalhousie Farm’s Annemaree Docking to chat all things farm, food and future. Raised in Doncaster, then a peri-urban area ‘I grew up in an urban neighbourhood, but it was newly built...
by mfhmainadmin | May 18, 2020 | Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
In the world of fruit, an apple could mistakenly be classified as your ‘basic’. It’s the go-to in everybody’s fruit bowl, the staple in every kid’s lunchbox, and one of the many things you’ll see piled high at supermarkets year...
by mfhmainadmin | May 13, 2020 | Food Box Distribution, Grow Source Eat, Local Food, Recipes
The humble broccoli – #1 most hated vegetable for kids, #1 tastiest re-discovery as a grown up (obviously excluding Brussels sprouts here). Things we love about broccoli: – It looks like a great tree to sit under if you suddenly shrunk and needed to find...
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